Maple, is pleased to announce the launch of the Drivers’ Cargo and Road Transport (CART) Security Guide. Written in collaboration with industry experts, representing the RHA (Road Haulage Association), DHL, RSA (Royal Sun Alliance) Insurance Group, Motorway Buddy and NaVCIS (National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service), the publication is the follow-up to the original CART Security Guide which was produced for transport and loss prevention professionals in 2017.
This latest edition of the guide has been designed specifically for drivers, with the timing of the release particularly pertinent as road transport operations are faced with mounting security concerns. As the industry navigates the post lockdown environment with renewed economic pressures, there are very real concerns about a spike in cargo crime, whilst Eurpol, the European Union’s law enforcement agency have also issued a stark warning of a pending new wave of irregular migration.
Chrys Rampley, RHA Security Forum Secretary says, “This guide has been produced to provide an overview of the varying threats professional drivers might be exposed to; to help determine the level of risk and offer advice on how drivers can protect themselves, their vehicle / trailer and the cargo being carried. Cargo crime is a wide and varying subject, in common with other criminal activity, security threats are ever evolving, and it is important that collectively we acknowledge this threat and are aware of best practice to minimise this risk.”
Chrys, was also keen to acknowledge the collaborative efforts of the security forum partners in producing this informative guide, “Working together in partnership is the key to tackling cargo crime. Many people have a part to play; those in government, police, insurers, shippers, vehicle and security device manufacturers and those who operate and drive commercial vehicles. This guide is the result of all those partners working together.”
The guide covers a broad range of topics including terrorism, the importance of secure parking, deception and theft from moving vehicles. The document can be downloaded, free of charge by clicking here (where you can also register for hard copies of the document) or alternatively drivers can view the guide via the driver’s smartphone app Motorway Buddy.
Commenting on the launch, Alan Maple (Technical Director for Maple) said, “Cargo crime is a vast and ever-changing subject, yet from a drivers perspective it is one that often gets overlooked and afforded little priority. Following the original CART Security Guide this seemed like a natural and very important progression, offering insight and guidance to the very person who is most likely to encounter such incidents. At Maple, we have spent many years trying to improve the security of commercial vehicle operations, I feel we are well positioned as a company and indeed have a moral responsibility to promote awareness and good security practice.”
“I would like to thank all of the individuals and their respective companies for their commitment and support of this initiative but I would especially like to highlight the unwavering dedication of Chrys Rampley at the RHA; not just on this project but for her devotion in championing crime reduction and road safety over many years within the road haulage industry,” concluded Alan Maple.