Locking & Load Area Security

VanGuard HookLock

  • Overview
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There has been a sharp increase in load theft and attacks on panel vans in recent years. The VanGuard HookLock has been designed to offer enhanced protection to van load areas and combat common methods of attack.

A manual, key operated locking system, the VanGuard HookLock offers an alternative to traditional van deadlocks, offering an enhanced level of protection. Featuring a claw style locking bolt, the mechanism ‘hooks’ around the locking keep when engaging, thus when under attack it becomes more difficult to defeat the locking bolt.

Our vehicle specific protection plates also provide greater resistance when exposed to prolonged attack, optimising locking strength and protection for your vehicle. VanGuard HookLocks can be fitted to all doors of a traditional panel van and can be supplied with identical high-level security keys for ease of use.

Features & Benefits

  • Manual locking application fitted independently of vehicles OE locking system
  • Features a claw / hook style locking bolt that provides optimum protection against common methods of attack
  • Specially designed locking keeps offer greater reinforcement when exposed to attack
  • Bespoke design for each individual make and model of vehicle
  • High security, anti-drill and anti-pick Iseo locking cylinders
  • Master key systems available
  • Low level of maintenance required
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VanGuard HookLock is suitable for the following vehicle types.

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