Maple employees are on a mission to walk 9 million steps throughout March to raise funds for mental health charity, Mind.
2020 was a difficult year for everyone in so many ways, losing loved ones, financial concerns and job uncertainties have been some of the many struggles people have faced, that naturally have had a huge impact on the mental health of thousands of people across the UK. Since the first lockdown in March, it is reported that the mental health of 60% of adults and 68% of young people has ‘significantly worsened;’ with people suffering from an array of issues, including, anxiety, depression, PTSD, bereavement and burnout.
Nobody should face a mental health problem alone and here at Maple we are keen to help raise awareness around the importance of mental wellbeing and the services available if you need support. During March, Maple employees will be taking part in a ‘Step Challenge,’ to raise money for Mind and encourage everyone to consider their own mental being during what has been an exceptionally challenging period.
Our goal, is to have collectively reached a step count of 9 million steps, by the 31st of March. We will achieve this by increasing our individual daily step count and recording what we have achieved on a week by week basis.
Mind, the mental health charity, anticipate that demand for vital support and services will grow significantly as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Coupled with the fact that much of their fundraising activity over the last year has been severely hampered, we felt it a particularly apt cause to get behind. To offer your support and donate, please visit our Just Giving page and give what you can to help us step our way towards better mental health!